The identity of the Catholic Church in Igboland, Nigeria
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Rozprawa jest naukowym studium o tożsamości Kościoła Katolickiego w Igboland w Nigerii, która wydobywana jest i określana na kilku płaszczyznach: historycznej (rozdział I), społeczno-kulturowej (rozdział II), moralnej i teologicznej (rozdział III) oraz w kontekście współczesnych wyzwań pastoralnych (rozdział IV). Celem pracy było podsumowanie dotychczasowych dziejów Kościoła Katolickiego w Igboland i zwrócenie uwagi na ich główne etapy i wydarzenia, które nadawały temu Kościołowi tożsamość. Chodziło też o podsumowanie społeczno-kulturowego oddziaływania tego Kościoła na życie ludu Igbo i wyciągnięcie konkretnych wniosków pozwalających na zachowanie oraz rozwijanie tożsamości tego Kościoła. Współcześnie ta tożsamość najbardziej wyraża się w inkulturacji Ewangelii wśród Igbo z wykorzystaniem kulturowego bogactwa tego ludu.
The work sought to offer a methodological study of the identity of the Catholic Church in Igboland which itself consists of different kinds, namely: historical identity (Chapter I), socio-cultural identity (Chapter II), moral and theological identity (Chapter III) and finally, pastoral identity in the context of contemporary challenges (Chapter IV). Its purpose was to throw light on the historical identity of the Igbo Catholicism, bringing out the root, main periods and contributory events in the establishment of the Igbo Catholicism. It equally highlighted the socio-cultural identity of the local Church in Igboland, bringing out her contributions to the socio-cultural growth of the Igbos and offering better ways both for the domestication (separation of the Gospel from western culture) of the Gospel message and for a fruitful dialogue between Gospel message vis-à-vis Igbo culture in order to ensure successful evangelization, effective catechesis and fruit-bearing pastoral ministries. In line with this, the research called for the intensification of the effort to align cultural values side by side with Christian principles in order to bring the Gospel and its demands home to the Igbos.
The work sought to offer a methodological study of the identity of the Catholic Church in Igboland which itself consists of different kinds, namely: historical identity (Chapter I), socio-cultural identity (Chapter II), moral and theological identity (Chapter III) and finally, pastoral identity in the context of contemporary challenges (Chapter IV). Its purpose was to throw light on the historical identity of the Igbo Catholicism, bringing out the root, main periods and contributory events in the establishment of the Igbo Catholicism. It equally highlighted the socio-cultural identity of the local Church in Igboland, bringing out her contributions to the socio-cultural growth of the Igbos and offering better ways both for the domestication (separation of the Gospel from western culture) of the Gospel message and for a fruitful dialogue between Gospel message vis-à-vis Igbo culture in order to ensure successful evangelization, effective catechesis and fruit-bearing pastoral ministries. In line with this, the research called for the intensification of the effort to align cultural values side by side with Christian principles in order to bring the Gospel and its demands home to the Igbos.
Wydział Teologii; promotor rozprawy doktorskiej: ks. dr hab. Krzysztof Kaucha, prof. KUL
tożsamość, Kościół, katolicyzm, Igboland, Nigeria, identity, Catholic, Church